Octubre 2015 - Marzo 2016

Guide book MDE15

Issuu / museodeantioquia – via Iframely

Contenido Relacionado
(Español) MDE15: positivo balance tras el cierre del Encuentro

(Español) El Encuentro Internacional de Arte de Medellín, MDE15, ha finalizado con un positivo balance para el Museo de Antioquia.

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(Español) Corredor de Ciudad, un espacio para crear red entre el Museo y las comunidades

(Español) Uno de los componentes del MDE15 invita a la participación de las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias para que muestren sus proyectos y actividades en la ciudad.

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Fernando Escobar

Fernando is a Colombian artist and researcher. From his interdisciplinary training in visual arts and social sciences, he has approached several subjects related to contemporary artistic practices, urban cultural practices,…

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Tony Evanko

Tony is an American artist and arquitect based in Medellín. Since 2006, he has been the director of the Casa Tres Patios Foundation, a contemporary art center in Medellín devoted…

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Nydia Gutiérrez

Born in Venezuela and based in Medellín, Nydia is an arquitect from the Pontifical Xavierian University (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) in Bogotá, Colombia. She is also a museologist from the JKF…

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Sharon Lerner

Sharon is a Peruvian curator of contemporary art at the Lima Art Museum. She was invited by the Goethe-Institut as the only research scholar from Latin America to join the…

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