Octubre 2015 - Marzo 2016

Mediation plan

The MDE15 mediation plan designs and enables spaces, contents and pedagogies aimed at promoting and assessing experiences coming from the exchange proposed by the artworks and projects of the Encounter. It acts as a connection among some artistic practices and different interest groups, the places where it is implemented and the stage of the process of the artworks involved. In this regard, the goals of this Mediation Plan are aimed at making participants become interested in current art events—by simultaneously giving feedback on the workof artists and collectives. Another concern is the specialized deepening on social issues linked to the Encounter project as a whole.

In support of what has been described, the Mediation Plan allows the development of academic modules that are based around the five core topics of the exhibition and the public talks with the guest artists in spaces other than Museo de Antioquia. Several local cultural agents are also involved in these talks.

In order to consolidate and create the mediation team, a Mediation Laboratory is proposed. This Laboratory builds strategies and actions to generate knowledge through interaction with the public, the artworks and the artistic processes of the Encounter. Thus, The Laboratory proposes a figure of mediator close to the figure of “community-based researcher”, who is able to promote collective and collaborative inquiries, and at the same time replicate them, in a creative and critical way, in every open space intended for the MDE15 in Medellín.