Octubre 2015 - Marzo 2016

Arquitectura Expandida y Caldo de Cultivo

These two collectives, coming from different places within the field of contemporary art practices in Bogotá, share some questions and initiatives on the public dimension of the urban area. Arquitectura Expandida promotes the development of the territory through the implementation of a high-intensity citizenship. Caldo de Cultivo is interested in producing cultural devices to reveal the power relationships that shape the area of the city. Therefore, as well as encouraging direct action on small urban paces, these groups add a political dimension and critical pedagogies to overcome usual theoretical discussions and improve the ways neighbors and users from the city engage in common goals. Their horizon of meaning is their right to the city as well as their right to imagination. It starts and ends in the exchange and collective construction.

Arquitectura Expandida


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(Español) Conversaciones en la casa con Arquitectura Expandida y Caldo de Cultivo

Cuando:3 March, 2016 a las 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Donde:Museo de Antioquia, Carrera 52 # 52-43, Medellín – Antioquia, Colombia

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