Octubre 2015 - Marzo 2016

Adrián Balseca

Medio camino (Halfway) reveals the particular route of Adrian Balseca from Quito to Cuenca, aboard an Andino Miura 77, the first motor vehicle assembled in Ecuador in the late seventies. The artist begins a weeklong trip along 437 kilometers. He voluntarily takes the fuel tank away from the vehicle. Thus, he ends up depending on the solidarity of others throughout the road to be able to complete his journey. In the video El Andino -a small pick-up truck, produced over a period of oil boom during the military dictatorship of the general Guillermo Rodriguez Lara, becomes a sort of icon of a failed promise of vernacular modernity only redeemed by collective efforts; that is maybe a comment on the promises, hopes and socio-political realities of several Latin American countries since the second half of the twentieth century.