Instant Coffee Manifesto


Instant Coffee Collective


With wavering clarity we understand that what we do is confined to the limitations of representation and we’re okay with that. This understanding is in the name Instant Coffee. As a product Instant Coffee is an effective substitute. It mimics the real thing without the pretence of being better. It isn’t that much easier to make, but that much is reason enough to justify its particularities. Taste is a factor, and to those with taste is an important difference used to mark quality and define preference. But QUALITY IS


TOO PARTICULAR AND PREFERENCES CHANGE. They are superfluous really, misnomers that distract from the fundamental reasons for ingesting either the real thing or its substitute. Value is in their effect. In its taste, INSTANT COFFEE BARELY RESEMBLES THE REAL THING, BUT ITS EFFECT IS EQUIVALENT. Regardless of taste it still works. Quality is beside the point. And in this disregard Instant Coffee
becomes a medium to be used.






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