Club del Dibujo

The Club del Dibujo – “The Drawing Club – is a group founded in 2002 by Claudia del Río, a visual artist who was born in Rosario, Argentina.

Their aim is to investigate the discipline of drawing through the help of artists, art lovers and the general public. To this end they have what they call the Pieza de Dibujo – The Drawing Piece: a room which also serves as a stage, featuring floor to ceiling walls of slate.

The Pieza de Dibujo, also called a rehearsal room, can be repeatedly used and cleaned. The idea is to create pedagogical situations outside the normal environment, hence the activities which take place within being referred to as functions. The opinion of critics, tutelage and the market place are the sources of tension that serve as points of reference and exchange.

The Pieza de Dibujo can be found at Taller 7, a space hosted by MDE11. Claudia’s aim here is to establish a relationship between drawing and other disciplines in Medellin.

The Club del Dibujo are presenting a stage performance in which 4 duos converse about and with drawing. For instance: a poet and a doctor talk, a choreographer and an artist, a poet and an artist and a musician and an artist. What do they talk about? What happens when they involve different flavors from the same territory, in this case in the slate space? These are some of the questions suggested by the project.

Each team spends two days with the public. This is an “open function” for the whole community in which thinking, reviewing, carrying out, erasing, rehearsing and improvising are processes that are made possible thanks to the Pieza de Dibujo.

The Club del Dibujo will also be undertaking a project in collaboration with Picacho con Futuro. This consists of a neighborhood festival entitled Coreografía del Retrato – “Portrait Choreography”, an event that allows the community to bind through drawing and portraiture.

‘Pieza de dibujo’


Links of interest

Claudia del Río

Biography and work by Claudia del Río


Participation in MDE11

  • Anonymous

    Conocer una propuesta como el club del dibujo me hizo sentir una alegría de niño con un juguete nuevo, pero también me dio un poco de nostalgia por qué me hubiera encantado participar como participante y no como anfitrión, porque me encanto la propuesta, tanto como para replicarla en la ciudad de Medellín y porque me hizo ver que hacía mucho tiempo no dibujaba, como ejercicio esencial en mi vida como artista-que no ejerce-.
    En resumen: me enamoré de la propuesta y del colectivo. Très bien, j’adore dessiner, c’est la meilleure chose qu’on peut faire !

    Alejo, líder de Escuela de Guías. MdeA.

    • Claudia del Río

      hola Alejandro gracias por ese comentario tan preciso y bonito, espero que sigas dibujando actualmente!! y nosotros esperamos volver a tu hermosa ciudad, saludos, Claudia del Rio