Octubre 2015 - Marzo 2016

Artistes: d

The MDE15 works, selected by the artists to be exhibited in the conventional showrooms, will be set in the rooms of the Museo de Antioquia and its Casa del Encuentro (Meeting House), and the Casa de la Música de EPM (EPM Music House) located in the Parque de los Deseos (Park of Wishes). The MDE15 will also include some fleeting works made in different public spaces of the city.

The artists invited by the MDE15 under these two categories, alphabetically listed:

Dan Perjovschi Romania

The sense of humor is useful to many artists who look for smart ways to communicate the results or intentions of their ways of building personal worldviews. The drawings on the walls of museums or in the city are a refreshing strategy that Dan Perjovschi has used to closely examine local and global issues for all audiences. He sometimes calls himself a reporter who turns data, collected in a specific time and place, into visual images. For him, drawings are the intellectual graffiti which lightens deeper issues. In his words, they are “almost cartoons, almost art- brut, but none of…

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Daniela Ortiz Perú

Ortiz’s work focuses on spaces in tension. He brings into question exclusion processes while revealing colonial dynamics still present in many contemporary societies. In 97 empleadas domésticas (97 maids), the artist shows the invisibility of domestic staff using photographs taken from social networks of wealthy families in Peru. On the other hand, in Habitaciones de servicio (Room Service), she focuses her attention on the vital space allocated to the domestic worker using architectural plans of Lima houses from 1930 to 2012. Both works allow not only a sharp look at the persistence of discriminatory dynamics, but also at its radicalization…

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