Chto Delat

The “Chto Delat? / What is To Be Done?” platform, founded in early 2003 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, opens up a space inspired by the need for a fusion of political theory, art and activism. Among its members are artists, critics, philosophers and writers from Saint Petersburg and Moscow.

The group’s activities consist of a variety of artistic projects, seminars, videoworks, installations, public action, radio programs and artistic assessment of urban spaces.

Chto Delat publishes a newspaper in English and Russian and which focuses on culture as well as paying special attention to the re-politicization of the cultural situation in Russia and an ongoing dialog within an international context. These papers are generally produced within a framework of collective initiatives such as art projects, educational seminars and activist campaigns.

As invited guests at MDE11, the member of Chto Delat will be producing and exhibiting the newspaper The Theater of Accomplices’, which questions specific theatrical practices, among others: an approach to learning Brecht’s plays, Augusto Boal’s theater of oppression, practices of empathy in documentary theater, models of invisible theater and all those theatrical practices that do not contemplate an initial division between spectator and actor.

The platform offers the readers of its paper a series of texts that analyze experiments of this kind, a project that allows it to expose the fact that an understanding of theater is not the sole preserve of professionals but something which makes us accomplices who feel an overwhelming need to decide for themselves.

“Theater allows something new to be experienced, become someone else, as well as offering a return to previous conditions transformed by experience.” Chto Delat




MDE11 participation


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